viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

The Lake House

A lonely doctor and one architect fall in love while write letters  through an email that, mysteriously, unites the time spent with the present. The doctor Kate Forester decides to move: she abandoned Illinois to work in an important hospital in Chicago.

·The Lake House poster·

The only regret is leaving the beautiful and original house overlooking the lake where he lived. Before leaving, leave a note in the mailbox addressed to the next tenant, asking her to send the mail to her new address and explaining that the strange footprints that are in the front door were already there when she settled in the house .

Later, when the tenant arrives, what he sees is a very abandoned house: dusty, dirty, and with the garden invaded by weeds. What you do not see are footprints on either side.

Personal Comment: I would like to see this film as soon as possible, because i think that this film could like me.


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Entrada Creativa

By: Eduard Casanovas Vázquez de